Manitoba is fortunate in having these two companies under a man- ~ There is room for study and food for thought, especially in J. F.
agement which is experienced in the development of mines at Cobalt, Wrights Report (Dominion Geological Survey of 1923), particularly the
Sudbury and elsewhere in the pre-Cambrian of Northern Canada. structural section map, and also H. C. Cook’s 1921 report (Dominion
Eldorado. This group of properties has a well developed and frac- Geological Survey).
tured sheared zone with quartz veins traceable for half a mile in length, Transportation. This section may yet warrant rail transportation.
the vein being well exposed by surface trenches and shallow pits. On In this connection two charters were last session granted by the Mani-
No. 1 property the vein averages 214 feet across the claim, frequently toba Legislature—one to the Central Manitoba Railway Company and
5 feet in width, channel assays running $20 to $35 and higher. There the other to the Manitoba Power Company. The charter granted to
are also other sheared zones and fractured zones on the property, which the Central Manitoba Railway Company provides for a line between
is quite promising on surface, and now depends on development to depth. the mines and the paper mills at Fort Alexander. If this line were built
The Oro Grande. This property is located a quarter of a mile through the pulp-wood company’s limits to the mills it would have a
from the north end of Beresford Lake and further development appears pulp wood rail haul which would aid materially in meeting bond indebted-
well warranted. It has a shearing zone in which are two ft. lenses ness and operating costs.
of quartz running into low ground to the south-east, carrying milling Present Transportation. Supplies are taken in by team during the
values. The adjacent properties have been secured by the John Taylor winter from Great Falls, and summer boat transportation is afforded
people. by boat from Riverton across Lake Winnipeg, and it is likely that
Onandago. On the Onandago free gold shows frequently in boat transportation will also be provided from Canadian National Rail-
the 125 foot shaft. ways points on Lake Winnipeg. The route has been up the Wanipegow
Mirage. The Mirage property of the Long and Red Lake Gold River to a point where the portage road leads to the various properties
Syndicate adjacent to the W. A. D. and the Victoria, has very rich and prospects.
ore at 30 foot depth. Water Powers. Reference to our map will show that this section north
There are several other promising surface showings throughout this of Winnipeg River is not lacking in either developed or undeveloped
Long Lake section which make it quite attractive at the present time and water power. There is 165,900 h.p. developed on the Winnipeg River
deep development is awaited with interest. and 341.800 still available for development—a total of 507.700 h.p.
On the way to Red Lake Gold Fields.