Northern Manitoba Nning Wealth
r= mining world should be better informed on the rich discoveries to $40 ore in a section where there are millions of horse power still unhar-
of copper-zinc-gold ores in Northern Manitoba. In these days of nessed strongly invites exploration and the inspection of his engineers.
up-to-the minute advertising Canada is altogether too modest in telling In a new country it invites his scouts even more than his consulting
the outside world of its wonderful resources. These are the days when engineer, for they will keep in touch with new developments out on the
you have to tell them to sell them, in fact no one is ready to believe ground so that he may get in early on these natural resources when
that you have anything at all, if you do not show enough faith in it your- they can be acquired cheaply compared to their future prospective value.
self to go out and use Twentieth Century advertising methods. This
is said with no reflection whatever on the Dominion Geological Reports If Manitoba’s past has been agricultural, its future may largely be
with their concise detail or the excellent reports issued by the Industrial metal mining, because the world is reaching out in a big way for new
Development Board of Manitoba, all of which are valuable if known metal fields, having used more metals in the last twenty years than
about, but many busy business men, especially big American and English in all preceding time.
mining men, never see them. To-day you must “carry the message to
Garcia,” and it must be an interesting message told in salesmanship We have clearly set out the exact situation relative to competitive
language. copper ores throughout the world in the Rouyn pages of this booklet,
which should also be read, and the lead and zinc situation elsewhere,
We wonder how many Canadians—how many Americans—know: each accompanied by production charts.
(a) That there is as much ore blocked out and indicated by systematic
diamond drilling to 900 foot depth on one Manitoba property—the When dealing with the copper ores of Rouyn reference was made to
Flin Flon—as has been produced at Cobalt during the last twenty the fact that the Belgian Government is expending $50,000,000 in the
years. two hundred and twenty-six million dollars ($226,000,000) Belgian Congo building a railway into the heart of Africa to bring out
(b) That at the Sherritt-Gordon diamond drilling this past winter has ~~ {PPet Pe Copper tonnage whether it is at Butte, Rouyn, Northern
: : anitoba or elsewhere strongly invites the building of railways. The
proved up a grade of ore twice as rich as the above property, bie d its of in Northern Manitoba in the Flin Fl Wi
proved it in quantity which cannot be computed until the diamond on Po S ofcopper ores In Nort 1eTl Mansovaln Lig Wan 5 on secuon
drilling contract is completed, but which analyses 69, copper, 15% gre egy Pissnerth Ib on the nearest rajlway=-The Canadion National
gc Pp yse 0 Copp 0
: : A : Railway Hudson Bay line at Le Pas, to which point transportation from
zine, together with other values, and has the makings of a big the nines will he wade available
mine and that with the the “Mandy” ore these three properties have ’
proven and indicated ore bodies approaching $300,000,000. The Mining Corporation of Canada, backed by British and American
(¢) That on the Nelson and Churchill Rivers adjacent to that part of interests, have been granted a Manitoba Railway Charter, and it would
the Hudson Bay Line already constructed there is more power appear to have been good business on the part of the Province of
available than is installed or can be developed at Niagara (both Manitoba when it guaranteed the bonds of this railway. The clear
sides of the river) and Saguenay River combined, because there is vision and outlook which prompted the Ontario Government Railway
close around 8,150,000 h.p. This is an astonishing statement but (T. & N.O.) made possible Cobalt, Kirkland Lake, Porcupine and other
in this connection we refer you to our carefully compiled power map camps.
ou Northern Canada iit titis booklet: The granting of aid or provincial guarantee of bonds for the construc-
The man well posted on mining and metallurgy and who is capable tion of a railway was based on the option being taken up and plant
of visioning the future which lies ahead of electrolytic smelting and refin- erection made definite. In any event should one copper group not do
ing and who is posted on the recent foreign progress made in the electro- this, another will, because the mining potentialities of this section of this
thermic process knows that a copper-zinc-gold country yielding $13 American Continent are too great to remain inactive. Reference else-