Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

where will show that Ontario’s mining industry has a purchasing power world markets by water; or all rail on the products to New York or other 
and money turnover of $85,000,000 annually and this is exactly the kind Atlantic ports, constitute no small factor in the working out of the 
of market incentive needed to aid mixed farming on the Prairies. What economic situation on a $13 or $14 copper-zinc ore, even with the highest 
Canada needs to-day is to be built up basically level. possible recovery of the various metals. 
: : There is no doubt, however, but that the opening of one big property 
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The Elin Eton Coppersbine Property with a customs smelter will, when rail transportation is furnished, have 
Control of the Flin Flon property has been optioned by the Mining an effect little short of a boom occurring in prospecting and mining 
Corporation of Canada to the Metals Exploration Company which latter north of the present Hudson Bay line and that diamond drilling may 
company is controlled by the Whitney interests of New York. The probably prove up other ore bodies on such holdings as the Callihan 
property has been reported on and carefully sampled and the company surrounding Flin Flon and along the continuation of the mining range 
has been making tests at Denver of tonnage shipments from the mine, not only eastward towards Hudson Bay but westward some distance 
working out an advanced leaching process, yielding the fullest possible into Saskatchewan where favorable formation exists. 
recovery of the 49) zinc which this 29] copper ore contains as well as 
the precious metals, the total average value computed at average market 
prices being around $13-$14 per ton. Sherrett-Gordon Property 
Through systematic diamond drilling, accompanied by shaft sinking This large group of properties were recently opioned by Mesure 
ee Fasken Brothers, of Toronto, and others who are interested in the 
and drifting, an ore body of over 16,000,000 tons has been blocked out Nivissi . : 
: ipissing and several other mines. This property has recently been 
to a depth of 900 feet, an achievement probably heretofore unparalleled 3 : . : a 
: : : 1s extensively diamond drilled with results fully up to what was antici- 
back eighty miles from a railway. Based on the indicated tonnage and : 
; pated. Engineer Gordon, of The Pas, states there are 6,000,000 tons 
market value of the metals, a total value exceeding $200,000,000 and ey : : es : 
A ge of indicated ore. It is definitely known at the date of writing that it 
believed to be closer to $226,000,000, has been blocked out and indicated, h . : 3 Cy 
: : : as the makings of a big mine. Analyses are yielding a 69, copper 
and as previously stated is equal to the total production of the world th 15% gi d Zold val he ith Td 
f s Cobalt camp for the last twenty years ore wit %. zinc content an gold values worthy of the marke atten- 
amou ’ tion of the biggest copper-zinc groups on this or any other continent. 
The initial expenditure on the proposed 4,000 ton (daily) mining 
plant, smelter and equipment would be somewhere between $12,000,000 ; 
: . : Mandy Mine 
to $14,000,000. Approximately 100,000 horse-power will be required 
to be developed and 2,000 men employed at the mine and smelter. As The Mandy Mine shown on map has an ore lense of the replace- 
it would become a center for the district, a town of several thousand ment type in a shearing zone which probably has a genetic relationship 
people would result. Operated at this capacity it has been estimated to the Flin Flon ore body. It is around 40 feet in width and at least 225 
by mining interests that approximately $6,000,000 per year would feet long. The ore body was thought to be too small to consider the 
be expended in the form of wages, purchase of farm produce, supplies erection of a smelter on the ground and as copper was worth 26¢. a pound 
and freight paid to the railway. It is important here to note that the in war time the Tonopah Mining Company mined, transported and 
plant would be located in a highly mineralized district and it will be shipped to Trail smelter 25,000 tons of high grade ore during a period of 
shown later that a higher grade of ore is being drilled this winter at three to four years. This ore averaged around 189, copper ($46.80 
the Sherrett - Gordon property than heretofore discovered in that per ton at 13c. a pound) and carried as well $5 per ton in gold and silver 
district. values. In addition to the 25,000 tons of high grade ore there were 
about 180,000 tons of lower grade copper-zinc sulphide running around 
Rates from a Northern Manitoba smelter to the world markets of 5% to 89, copper, 209, to 309, zinc and gold and silver values to the 
London and Antwerp, either by rail to Port Arthur and from there to extent of $5 per ton. Altogether an exceptionally rich ore. It is an 

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