Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

Mining ‘Development 
T he opening up of a new and wonderful country, 
IE is the desire of the Canadian National Railways to co-operate with more than balance speculative holdings with what vs deemed to be gilt edged 
prospectors and mining men interested in legitimate mining develop- bonds or other securities. Fortunately enough truth can be told about 
ments along their lines of railway. the merit of the North Country and the dividends it has paid without 
. . . any uncalled for exaggeration. The truth well warrants exploration by 
All down through history the nations which dug new wealth from hundreds of Canadian, American and English syndicates composed of 
the ground prospered and gained supremacy over other nations, and it wealthy men who can afford to spend money in developing mines in the 
is vital to Canada to consider mining seriously, and not only rich precious metals belt stretching across north-eastern Canada. 
develop the rich precious metals belt stretching across North-Eastern 
Canada but the base and precious metals from the Atlantic to the Syndicates, composed of men who have made money in mining, 
Pacific. Mining will provide home markets not only in Eastern Canada controlling $50,000 to $500,000 initial capital, backed by enough 
but for mixed farming on the Prairies. money for complete mining and milling without having to quit or 
It can at least truthfully be said of underground mining that it reorganize, can afford to pay Shes opr and consulting engineers, 
has the advantage of not being subject to adverse climatic conditions who have the necessary geological knowledge. 
and that its product, especially gold and silver, is current in every These syndicates will find prospectors and actual mining operators 
banking house in the whole known world—that it is a product that fears reasonable as to prices and terms. On a long term working option where 
no competition, and does not require the services of commercial men the prospectors outlay has been heavy, he may ask a small payment 
to market. in order to keep up other mining assessment work and tide his family 
The world has used more metals in the last twenty years than in over, but the wisdom of paying a trifling amount on a highly desirable 
all preceding time. We are in a metal-power age et invention, property as against heavy expenditures of money on claims that have 
science and research. Tremendous mining activity is under way less a Tes it A 3 A . gi scouts, ho are oie 
throughout Canada, and Canadians should endeavour to retain a large ground and have to act quickly, have a little leeway in closing a deal. 
share of their rich natural resources heritage. In 1911 Canada’s mineral q ' g : i . 
production was $103,220,994, in 1925 $224,846,287 (see chart)—a gain The inoceasing i plage a Yun Sinda 
of 1189 in fifteen years. Minerals are already more than half the value exp srience end png men oa Standing engsged In deve oom Imaere 
of ir wheal drop, resources in Canada, permitting them to cope with the situations as 
they find them on the ground, is bringing better returns than the old 
Mining is at times abused through ill-advised stock flotations. policy which was fraught with delays, disappointments and losses. 
Sometimes also honest attempts fail to locate economic ore bodies. : y 5. ‘ 
While, in its initial stages, mining has its hazards, yet the mining and Working options make mining camps. The best procedure is to 
milling of blocked out ore is more of a manufacturing process than take 4 number of working options. Go carefully on expenses at first 
anything else. by doing surface development, work during summer, to locate exposed 
enrichments, doing this by day labor. Sink test shafts and diamond 
It is highly desirable that mining be carried on by men who can drill by contract method so that these expenditures keep within progress 
afford to spend the money—by syndicates developing properties to the estimates. Then, when out of the group one property is located having 
producing stage prior to public stock flotations with high capitalization. the ear-marks of a producer, concentrate on it with a business manage- 
The pity of all speculation is that generally the hardest blows fall on ment which has knowledge of the experience of neighbors mining under 
those least able to afford it. It us, therefore, always good business to similar geological and other conditions. 

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