154 Quellenverzeichnis
History of the Illinois Coal Operators Association, Springfield
(Illinois) 1921,
Hours and Earnings in Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Mining;
Dep. of La. Washington 1922,
Industrial Pensions in the U, S., Nat. Ind. Conf, Board, New
York 1925,
Labor Laws of the U, S., Dep. of Labor, Washington 1925, ferner
Berggesetze u, Unfallentschädigungsgesetze der Einzelstaaten,
Lewis, J. L.: The Miners Fight for American Standards, Indiana-
polis (Indiana) 1925,
Lubin: Miners Wages and the Cost of Coal, Inst. of Economics,
Washington; New York 1924,
Mechanical Loading in Coal Mines; Carnegie Institute of Techno-
logie, Pittsburgh (Pa,) 1925,
Mines and Quarries 1919, 14tb Census, Washington 1922,
Minimum Quantity Budget, Bur, of Lab, Stat,, Washington 1920,
Monthly Labour Review, Washington, fortlaufend,
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Völkerbund, Genf, fortlaufend,
Prospekte von Bergwerksgesellschaften und Bergwerksmaschinen-
Report of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, with sub-
sequent agreements and Report of the U, S, Anthracite Coal
Commission 1903/1920,
Report of the U, S, Coal Commission, Washington 1923, dazu
Auszüge des Reichskohlenrates, Berlin 1924,
Reports of the U, S. Bituminous Coal Commission, Washington
Selekman and Van Kleeck: ‘Employes’ Representation in Coal
Mines, New York 1924,
Shurick, A. T.: The Coal Industry, Boston 1924.
Survey of Current Business, Dep. of Commerce, Halbjahrsnummer
1925, Washington, fortlaufend,
Stabilization of Illinois Coal Industry, following recommenda-
tions of Fr, Farrington, Philadelphia 1925,
Tarifverträge und Arbeitsordungen,
The American Labor Legislation Review, Zeitschrift, New York,