Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

The broad topic of man analysis has been treated apart 
from the chapter on job analysis, but this has been done for 
convenience of exposition only. The job apart from the 
worker who does it is an abstraction, and so, too, is the 
worker apart from the job. The actual unit is the worker- 
in-his-work. This is most obvious when our attention is 
focused on high managerial positions. An executive post, 
no matter how minutely the duties are specified, varies with 
the man who fills it. The executive, also, who has been, 
let us say, a superintendent, is a somewhat different person 
when promoted to the general managership. The investi- 
gator should never forget to think of the job in terms of the 
workers who perform it, and of the workers as related to 
their own specific occupations. 
The investigator is now faced with the task of choosing 
or constructing examinations for the experimental measure- 
ment of the workers he has decided to study. In the selec- 
tion or construction of these examinations he will be guided 
by the estimated importance of the abilities and character- 
istics he has listed. The general principles governing the 
selection of examinations will be considered in the next 

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