Full text: Employee representation

Industrial Representation Plan of the Minnequa Steel Works of the Colorado 
Fuel and Iron Co. New York (Russell Sage F oundation), 1924. 
SELEKMAN, BEN M.: Sharing Management with the Workers; a Study of the 
Partnership Plan of the Dutchess Bleachery, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. 
New York (Russell Sage Foundation), 1924. 
SELEKMAN, BEN M., AND VAN KLEECK, MARY: Employes’ Representation in Coal 
Mines; a Study of the Industrial Representation Plan of the Colorado Fuel 
and Iron Co. New York (Russell Sage Foundation), 1924. 
Smarr, Arson W.: Between Eras, from Capitalism to Democracy. Kansas 
City (Inter-Collegiate Press), 1913. 
Stopparp, WirLiaM Leavitt: The Shop Committee: a Handbook for Employer 
and Employee. New York (Macmillan Co.), 1919. 
STUDENSKY, PAUL: Shop Committees and Industrial Councils. New J ersey, 
Newark, July, 1919, v. 6, No. 10, Sec. 2. 
TeAD, ORDWAY, AND METCALF, HENRY C.: Personnel Administration. New 
York (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.), 1920. 
Worrg, A. B.: Works Committees and Joint Industrial Councils. Philadelphia 
(United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation), 1919. 

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