Full text: Migration and business cycles

migrants show an even greater peak in April than the immigrants. 
This is notably true for the South Italian nonimmigrant group. 
On the other hand, we found, in examining Chart 48, that the 
seasonal movement of female nonimmigrants exhibits less tendency 
to peak in the spring. Thus it would appear that, while the alien 
nonimmigrant is on the whole guided in his choice of sailing months 
by much the same considerations that influence the alien intending 
to establish permanent residence in the United States, yet the 
tendency toward the spring concentration is most marked among 
Monthly average—100 
IT- er i ie) =. 
M N N 
BTR, IZENS Nora. | Male Un- [2 He- | SoutH | ToraL | Marg SourH 
eT NN us a a = 
a b C d e f g h : i j 
Jann. 51.2 Jay 51.7 "52.9 53.4 , 77.0 38.7 | 56.6 | 60.4 35.3 
Feb... [1 71 4B) ‘62 8 | 66.9 74.3 55.0 70.000 35°71 68'S 70.6 62.2 
Mar... | 93.0 | 117.4 135.8 169.3 88.0 85.4 161.9 122.1 140.6 164.3 
Apr....l 88.7 135.5 152.4 173.5 105.3 66.1 175.9 159.1 173.6 222.0 
May.. | 84.7 131.9 137.7 150.2 119.3 74.5 156.9 124.2 128.9 184.3 
June.. | 84.7 113.6 114.9 113.8 119.3 122.6 132.3 94.6 97.2 128.4 
July.. | 91.5 95.0 , 90.8 | 69.4 ! 103.1 | 137.1 760.0 176.8 | 77 ON 5a ly 
Aug... 157.301.9311 87.3 70.8 103.5 132.30 75.6 | 90.9 92.5 63.4 
Sept... 196.3 104.9 95.8 81.1 120.0 | 138.3 94.4 124 .4 103.0 64.3 
Oct... B139.2 | 109.8 97.9 86.6 124.8 77.0 83.5 123.2 100.4 70.8 
Nov... 79 2 100.8 90.1 83.9 112.1 | 103.4 79.4 87.3 81.0 71.9 
Dec... "62 3 82.5 78.1 73.8 96.2 | 115.4 75.9 | 72.6 73.8 78.8 
*Computed from U. S. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, Immigration Statement and Inward 
Passenger Movement, monthly issues July, 1907, to February, 1909; and Immigration Bulletin, monthly 
issues, March, 1909, to June, 1914. The periods covered by the data are as follows: Series a, b, and h, 
July, 1907, to June, 1914; series i, July, 1908, to June, 1914; series d, January, 1909, to December, 1913; 
and series c, e, f, g, and j, January, 1909, to June, 1914. 
those elements in the nonimmigrant group for whom it is most 
likely that the opportunity for employment is the incentive for 
their voyage to America. 
Unskilled Workers and Non-Workers (Fig. C, Chart 49). 
Of special interest are the contrasts between the seasonal move- 
ments of those who represent additions to the unskilled element in 
the wage earning group in this country, and those immigrants who 
are listed as having “no occupation.” In preparing Fig. C, in 
Chart 49, we assumed that those incoming immigrants listed as 
“laborers” and ‘farm laborers” might be grouped as ‘‘unskilled 
workers,” and have compared the seasonal fluctuations of this 
group with those of the immigrant aliens in the “no occupation” 

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