Full text: Migration and business cycles

c= chart; n=footnote; t=table. 
Agriculture, workers, per eent foreign- Conference on Unemployment, 6, 24, 131 
born, 46t Construction index, 57, 61t 
Aliens (see Emigrants, Immigrants, Non- Correlation 
emigrants, and Nonimmigrants) economic conditions, United States and 
Arrivals (see also Net) Germany, 188n 
alien, defined, 31 Italy, 202n 
seasonal tendencies, 212-217 emigration and economic conditions, 
(see also Citizens, Immigrants, Net, and Germany, 188n, 192n 
Nonimmigrants) Italy, 197n, 202n 
Austria-Hungary United Kingdom, 182n, 186n 
crops, 208 immigration and 
emigration to, 164-165 employment, monthly, 91-93 
immigration from, 156¢, 157t, 208 pig iron production, 85, 93-94, 164n 
ratio to total, 160c, 161t prices, 102 
Countries (see also the several countries) 
Babson, 103 selected, immigration from, 155-162 
Berridge, W. A., 68 Crops 
British (see United Kingdom) Austria-Hungary, 208 
Brookmire, 102 Germany, 195-196 
Bureau of Immigration, U. S., 29 Italy, 
Bureau of Statistics, U. S., 29 influence on emigration, 197-204 
Business cycles (see Cycles) value, 200t 
Russia, 207 
Canada Cumulative immigration (see Immigration) 
employment, 134c, 135t Cycles 
immigration from, 41 business cycles, 
early, imperfect record, 32 composite indexes, 65, 171-175 
post-war, 133-136 effect of migration, 242 
Census of Manufactures, employment reports of National Bureau of Econ- 
statistics, 66 omic Research, 6 
Charting (see also, Charts) similarities, international, 173-176 
method of, 139-141 violence of, effect of differences, 192- 
Charts, ratio, method of interpreting, 58-59 193 
Citizens, seasonal variation emigration, 
arrivals, 215-216 by sex, 143c, 145 
departures, 217-218 by occupation, 149-152 
Clearings index, 94-95 male, 108¢, 109t, 130 
Coal mining employment, 
numbers employed, by years, 57, 60t factory, by months, 92c, 249t 
(see also Seasonal variation) Germany, 193-195 
Common labor (see Unskilled laborers) ratio of jobs to applicants, 128-129 

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