composite index, 172, 174c, 175t, short-period studies, 95-103, 113-120,
188-190 123-133
crops, 195-196 statistics, 35t, 245t, 246t
emigration, violent fluctuations, 33-34
compared with economic conditions, volume of, relative to population, 48-51
187-196 relative to wage-earners, 51-52
to, from United States, 164-165 war period, 123-124
to “other” countries, 194-195 Imports, cycles in, compared with immi-
immigration from, 156¢, 157t gration
ratio to total, 159¢, 161t, 187 annual, 79-83
{reece quarterly, 86-88
emigration to, 164-165 Industrial Commission, U. S., quoted, 78
immigration from, 156¢, 157t Ireland (see also United Kingdom)
ratio to total, 160c, 161t immigration from. 156¢, 157t
ratio to total, 159¢, 161t
Hansen, Alvin H., 102, 170-171, 177 potato famines, 154
Hart, Hornell, 68, 112 Italy
Hebrews, 206 business cycles, 196
emigration, 44-45, 168 cycles, foreign trade, 172, 174¢c, 175t,
immigration of, 44-45, 167-168, 215-217 198c
Hurlin, Ralph D., 68 emigration,
compared with economic conditions,
Immigrant, definition of, 30 196
[mmigration (see also Female and Restric- from the United States, 164-165
tion) to “other” countries, 204-205
changing character, 41c immigration from, 156¢, 157t
cumulative, 96¢, 97t, 99, 101-102, 111- pecularities, 203
112, 114-122, 131-133 ratio to total, 160c
cumulative, 101-102, 112-113, 116- Jenks, J. W., quoted, 78
118, 131-133
cycles, 86¢, 92¢, 94¢, 126¢, 247t King, Willford I., 6, 87, 131
fluctuations, 139¢, 140t
net, 105-107, 112-113, 116-120, 131- Labor demand and supply, 25-26
133, 219-220 Labor market index (see Employment)
number, 245-246 Lag, in immigration, compared with
proportion, 38-40 clearings, 95
seasonal variation, 212-214 conditions in Germany, 188-194; in
used as primary series, 40, 85-86 Great Britain, 181-182
net, 105-107, 112-120, 131-133 factory employment, 91-93, 100, 130-132
seasonal variation, 218-221 imports, 84-85, 88
occupations, effect on cyclical fluctua- pig iron, 93-94, 102
tions, 146-149 prices, 102
permanent, 31 Lauck, W. Jett, quoted, 78
post-war period, 124-135 Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, 8
races, 41-45, 166-168
seasonal movement marked, male, 36c Macaulay, Frederick R, 7
selected countries of origin, 155-162 Males (see also Emigration and Immigra-
ratio to total, 158-162 tion)