Full text: Migration and business cycles

preponderance of, excess, over nonimmigrants, 3 
in certain occupations, 38-39 ratio to total departing aliens, 141t 
in emigration, 40t Nonimmigrants 
in immigration, 37-39 definition, 30, 137 
Manufacturing, workers, per cent foreign- fluctuations, 139¢, 140t 
born, 47 male, seasonal fluctuations, 215-216 
Massachusetts, factory employment, 67, ratio to total arriving aliens, 138t 
70-72 South Italian, seasonal fluctuations, 215- 
Methods 216 
analysis, 90-91, 155 Qucupntions 
charting, 95-100 . os 
; : : : effect on seasonal variation, 
construction of indexes of industrial . Bi 
emigrants, 218-219 
conditions, 172-173 a 
; A immigrants, 215-217 
correction for seasonal variation, 211 LT 
on g . immigrants, generally, 45-48 
Mexico, immigration from, 41 
: : a : changes, 47-48t 1 
Migration (see also Emigration and Immi- 
rn) (see also Cycles) 
: SLi Ogb y. I, a7 
Committee on Scientific Problems of, 5 |, 2 urn, MY an 
. 0 Old” immigration, 159¢, 162-164 
maladjustment theory, 27 ; 
; ! ; percentage of total, 41-42 
modern, contrast with earlier migra- ; : 
: sources, 42n 
tions, 23 
motives for, economic, 77 Passage money, 77, 153 
safety-valve theory, 26 Periods selected for study, 78 
significant features, 29-53 Permanent immigration, 31 
statistics, source, 29 Persons, Warren M., 103, 177 
Mining, workers, percent foreign-born, Pig iron production 
47 annual statistics, 60t, 63t 
Mitchell, Wesley C., foreword, 5; 205 compared with 
immigration from Germany, 190-193 
National Bureau of Economic Research immigration from Italy, 199-204 
business cycles, reports on, 6 male immigration, 93-94 
directors, contribution to report, 9 migration ratio, 104¢, 105% 
National Research Council, requested this total immigration, 83-85 
investigation, 5 Germany, 190-193 
Net (see also Immigration) seasonal variation, correction for, 75 
alien arrivals, by months, (see also Cycles) 
both sexes, 106¢t Poland, emigration to, after the War, 30, 
cumulative, 114¢, 115t 125 
males, 106¢, 107t Political conditions, influence of, 8-9, 77, 
cumulative, 118t, 119t 123-125, 130, 151-152, 154, 164-165, 206 
compared with changesin number em- Population, relative to immigration, 48-51 
ployed, 231-236 Prices, wholesale, 83 
“New” immigration, 160c, 162-164 correlation with immigration, 102 
percentage of total, 41-42 index, 60t 
sources, 42n Problem, statement of, 8, 26 
New Jersey, factory employment, 67, 73t Prosperity (See Cycles and Economic Con- 
New York, factory employment, 68, 70t tions) 
Nonemigrants Pull, dominance of, 153, 155, 169-170, 181- 
compared with emigrants, 142-144 182, 185, 193, 195, 197, 203, 205, 206, 208 

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