Full text: Lenin on organization

itself, but which is still nearer to its beginning than 
to its end, to call forth artificially the symptoms 
of its end” (V. Zasulitch (11) in “Zarya” (12), No. 
2-3, p. 353). The example of the “Rabochie Delo” 
shows that there are already Social Democrats who 
are wavering between the two extremes. This 
phenomenon is by no means surprising, among 
other reasons because the ‘economic struggle 
against the masters and the government” can never 
satisfy the revolutionary; somewhere or other the 
two opposing extremes will always be cropping up. 
Only a centralized fighting organization, steadfastly 
pursuing a Social Democratic policy, and, so to 
speak, satisfying every revolutionary instinct and 
endeavor, can prevent the movement from launch- 
ing into light-minded campaigns and arm it for 
campaigns which are likely to end in victory. 
It will further be objected that the views we have 
here set forth are contrary to ‘the principle of 
democracy.” Just as the former accusation was 
of specifically Russian origin, so this accusation 
bears a specifically foreign character. Only a 
foreign organization (the “Union” of Russian So- 
cial Democrats) could give the following instruc- 
tions to the editors of its paper: 
“Organizational principle. In order to achieve 
the successful development and unity of Social 
Democracy it is necessary to emphasize, to 
develop, and to fight for the broad democratic 
principle within the Party organization; this is 
all the more essential because of the anti-demo- 

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