Full text: Lenin on organization

| EAN 
2 pibligna 92 
of professional revolutionaries. If these : ondfiohy" fo & 
exist, something more than “democracy” A guaran- = 
teed, namely, complete fraternal confidencé\afiron i. 
revolutionaries. For us this is absolutely ess 1 pi 
since in Russia there can be no question of its 
replacement by general democratic control. It is a 
great mistake to think that because real ‘“demo- 
cratic” control is impossible, the members of a 
revolutionary organization remain uncontrolled. 
They have no time to think of the game of demo- 
cratic forms (democracy within a compact body of 
comrades enjoying mutual confidence in each 
other), but they are keenly alive to their responsi- 
bility, knowing from experience that in order to 
get rid of an undesirable member, an organization 
of true revolutionaries will stop at nothing. Ay, 
we have a fairly developed Russian (and interna- 
tional) revolutionary public opinion, already with 
a history behind it, which punishes with merciless 
severity every abuse of duty by a comrade (and 
real “democracy,” not the game of democracy, is a 
part of the conception ‘comrade’!) Bear all this 
in mind, and you will notice the unpleasant odor 
of the foreign game of general elections, which 
hangs about the idle chatter and resolutions on 
“anti-democratic tendencies”! 
It should be said that the second source of the 
idle chatter, i. e. naivete, is fed by a prevalent 
vagueness as to what democracy really means. In 
the Webbs’ book on British Trade Unionism there 
is a curious chapter entitled “Primitive Democracy.” 

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