Full text: Lenin on organization

complete sub-committee. The committee will itself 
determine which of these agents is to maintain 
contact with it and how the contact is to be main- 
tained (as a rule, through the district delegates, 
but this rule may be subject to additions and amend- 
ments). In view of the great importance of these 
factory sub-committees, we must see to it that 
wherever possible each sub-committee should be 
in possession of an address to which to direct its 
communications to the C. O. (16) and have a depot 
for its contacts in some safe place (i. e., that the 
information required for the immediate reformation 
of a factory committee in the event of the arrest 
of its members should be transmitted as frequently 
and as abundantly as possible to the party centre, 
there to be kept in a safe place where the Russian 
gendarmes are unable to get at it). It will, of 
course, be understood that the transmission of 
addresses is to be determined by the committee 
according to its own discretion and the facts at its 
disposal, and not in accordance with some non- 
existent “democratic” right. Finally, it is perhaps 
not superfluous to mention that it might sometimes 
be more convenient in place of a factory sub-com- 
mittee consisting of several members to confine 
itself to the appointment of an agent of the com- 
mittee (and his candidate or substitute). As soon 
as the factory sub-committee has been formed it 
should proceed to organize a number of factory 
groups and circles with diverse functions and with 
varying degrees of conspiratorialness and definition 

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