Full text: Lenin on organization

with, the committee) will assume definite functions, 
will undertake to obey all the instructions of the 
Party organs, will be endowed with the rights 
enjoyed by every member of the Party, may be 
regarded as immediate candidates for membhership 
of the committee, etc. Others will no: join the 
Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, but will be 
regarded as circles formed by Party members or 
associated with some or other Party group, ete. 
In all their internal affairs the members of all 
these circles are, of course, equal among themselves, 
just as the members of a committee are equal 
among themselves. The sole exception will be that 
the right of personal contact with the local commit- 
tee (as well as with the C. C. and the C. 0.) will be 
possessed only by the person (or persons) appointed 
for that purpose by the committee. In all other 
respects, this person will be on an equality with 
the rest, who will also have the right of addressing 
themselves (but not personally) to the local com- 
mittee and to the C. C. and the C. O. The excep- 
tion indicated therefore will not be an infringement 
of equality, but only an absolutely essential conces- 
sion to the demands of conspiracy. A member of 
a committee who fails to transmit to the committee, 
the C. C. or the C. O., the communications of “his” 
group will be guilty of a direct infringement of his 
Party duties. Furthermore, the degree of conspira- 
torialness and definition of organization of the 
various circles will depend upon the character of 
their functions, and the organizations will therefore 

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