Full text: Lenin on organization

be of the most varied character (from the most 
“strict”, narrow and closed type of organization to 
the “loosest,” widest, open and indefinite type). 
For instance, the distributing groups require the 
utmost conspiratorialness and military discipline. 
The propagandist groups need to be equally con- 
spiratorial, but with a far less degree of military 
discipline. Workers’ groups for reading legal litera- 
ture, or for discussions on trade union needs and 
problems require to be still less conspiratorial, and 
so on. The distributing groups should belong to 
the R. S. D. L. P. and be acquainted with a certain 
number of its members and responsible persons. A 
group for studying trade union conditions of labor 
and for drawing up trade union demands is not 
obliged to belong to the R. S. D. L. P. A group of 
Students, officers or clerks engaged in self-educa- 
tion with the cocperation of one or two members 
of the Party, should sometimes even not be ac- 
quainted with the fact that they belong to the 
Party, etc. But in one respect we must absolutely 
demand the maximum definiteness in every branch 
of groups, namely, that each Party member working 
in these groups is formally responsible for the con- 
duct of their affairs and is obliged to take every 
measure in order that the composition of each of 
these groups, the whole mechanism of its work and 
the character of that work should be known to the 
C. C. and the C. O. That is necessary not only 
in order that the centres may have a complete 
picture of the whole movement, but that the selec- 

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