Full text: Lenin on organization

sible under conspiratorial conditions: one has only 
to desire it and it is always, and will always, be 
possible to hand over (or transmit) reports and 
contacts as long as we have committees, a C. C. 
and a C. O. 
We have arrived at a very important principle of 
all Party organization and all Party activity: while, 
as far as the intellectual and practical leadership 
of the movement and the revolutionary struggle of 
the proletariat is concerned, the greatest possible 
decentralization is required, as far as keeping the 
Party centre (and therefore the Party as a whole), 
informed regarding the movement and as far as 
responsibility to the Party are concerned, the great- 
est possible decentralize is required. The leader- 
ship of the movement should be entrusted to the 
smallest possible number of uniform groups of 
professional revolutionaries who have been trained 
in the school of experience. The greatest possible 
number of diverse and heterogeneous groups of 
every section of the proletariat (and other classes 
of the population) should take part in the move- 
ment. The Party centre must always have before 
it not only exact information regarding the activities 
of each of the groups, but also the fullest possible 
facts regarding its composition. The leadership 
of the movement must be centralized. We must 
also, (and for that very reason, for without infor- 
mation we cannot have decentralization) as far as 
possible, decentralization responsibility to the Party 
on the part of every individual member and every 

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