Full text: Lenin on organization

carries on every kind of work, does not devote 
himself to certain definite functions, is not respon- 
sible for some special duty, never carries a well- 
considered and well-prepared piece of work to an 
end, and spends an enormous amount of time and 
energy in simply running to and fro—and, on the 
other hand, embrace a great mass of student and 
workers’ circles, half of which are altogether un- 
known to the committee, and the other half are 
huge unspecialized, accumulating no professional 
experience, nor making use of the experience of 
others, and, like the committee itself, engaged in 
endless conferences about everything in general, in 
elections and in the drawing up of statutes. In 
order that the centre may be able to work properly, 
the local committees must be re-formed; they must 
become specialized and ‘business-like’ organiza- 
tions which will be capable of achieving real “im- 
provements” in some one or other practical sphere. 
In order that the centre should do more than dis- 
cuss, argue and wrangle (as has been the case 
hitherto) but really conduct the orchestra, it is 
necessary that it should know who is playing which 
fiddle and where; who has learnt, or is learning to 
play a certain instrument, and how and where; who 
is playing a false note (that is, when the music 
happens to go wrong) and where and why, and 
who must be transferred, and where to in order 
that the discord be corrected, etc. Let it be said 
openly, at the present moment we either know 
nothing about the real internal work of a given 

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