Full text: Lenin on organization

and accumulation of experience): they must there- 
fore be specialized, we must put them wholly on 
this work and take great care of them. We must 
arrange several lectures a week for them: we must 
be able when necessary to send them to other 
towns, and, in general, arrange for various towns 
to be toured by capable propagandists. The mass 
of young beginners should rather be put on prac- 
tical jobs; these are rather neglected in comparison 
with the amount of circle attending which is done 
by the students and which is optimistically called 
“propaganda.” Of course, serious practice jobs 
also require considerable training, but nevertheless, 
work in this sphere can more easily be found even 
for “novices”... 
Various Groups. 
In the same way, and after the type of branch 
department of the Committee or Committee insti- 
tution, all the other groups serving the movement 
should be organized—the university students and 
high school students groups, the groups, let us say, 
for assisting government officials, transport groups, 
printing groups, passport groups, groups for ar- 
ranging conspiratorial meeting places, groups for 
tracking spys, military groups, groups for procuring 
arms, organization groups, such as for running 
income producing enterprises, etc. The whole art 
of conspiratorial organization consists in making 
use of everything and everybody and finding work 
for everybody, at the same time retaining the leader- 
ship of the whole movement, not by force, but by 

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