Full text: Lenin on organization

virtue of authority, energy, greater experience, 
greater versatility and greater talent. We say this 
for the sake of those who usually object that too 
strict centralization, which is absolutely impossible 
to any large extent and which is even directly harm- 
ful to revolutionary work carried on under an auto- 
cratic government. Statutes give us no guarantee; 
that can be provided only by measures of “fraternal 
co-operation,” beginning with the resolutions of 
each and every sub-group, their appeals to the C. O. 
and the C. C. and ending (if the worst comes to 
the worst with the overthrow of incapable author- 
ities. The Committee should try to achieve the 
greatest possible division of labor, remembering 
that the various kinds of revolutionary work de- 
mand various capacities and that a person who is 
absolutely useless ag an organizer may be invalua- 
ble as an agitator, or that a person who does not 
possess the endurance demanded by conspiratorial 
work may be an excellent propagandist and so 

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