Full text: Lenin on organization

having answered that question, Comrade Axelrod 
has advanced only half his argument. In fact, one 
or the other. Either the organized Social Democrats 
regard the professor as a Social Democrat—in 
which case why should he not be included in one 
or other of the Social Democratic organizations? 
Only by his being thus included will the “declara- 
tion” of the professor correspond with the truth and 
not be an empty phrase (as many professorial decla- 
rations are) or the organized Social Democrats do 
not recognize the professor as a Social Democrat 
in which case it would be purposeless and dangerous 
to allow him the right of bearing the honorable and 
responsible name of Party member. The question 
therefore amounts either to the consistent applica- 
tion of the principle of organization, or to the apo- 
thesis of confusion and anarchy. Shall we con- 
struct the Party around the already formed and 
consolidated kernel of Social Democrats, such as 
was created, for instance, by the Party congress, 
and which must extend and multiply the Party 
organizations, or are we to content ourselves with 
the consoling phrase that all who lend assistance 
are members of the Party? “If we accept Lenin’s 
formula,” Comrade Axelrod continued, “we shall 
be throwing overboard a number of persons, who, 
although they cannot be directly adopted into the 
organization, are nevertheless Party members.” 
Comrade Axelrod is himself only too obviously 
guilty of the confusion of ideas of which he accused 
me; he already takes it for granted that all who 

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