Full text: Lenin on organization

the Bolshevik Party is the factory nuclei. To these 
nuclei the Party devotes most of its attention. At 
all non-Party Congresses, conferences and on 
elected bodies, Communist fractions are organized, 
the task of which is to increase the Party’s influence 
and to secure the acceptance of its policy by the 
non-Party organizations. Hence we see that Com- 
rade Lenin’s fundamental idea of factory nuclei and 
fractions in non-Party institutions and organiza- 
tions is carried to its logical conclusion. 
The Reorganization of the Party. 
As we saw above, prior to 1905, Lenin stood for 
the narrow, exclusive organization of professional 
revolutionaries and was against the election of 
committeemen. Owing to the necessity for extreme 
secrecy, in those days the election of committeemen 
was impossible.* In 1905 conditions changed, and 
Lenin raised the question of the reorganization of 
the Party. He suggested a wider form of organiza- 
tion of the Party nucleus “less strictly defined” and 
“freer”, but only in comparison with the previous 
“circles of professional revolutionaries.” The Party 
was made democratic and placed on the elective 
basis. Nevertheless, the illegal apparatus of the 
party was preserved, and this enabled it to go back 
* At the present time, even under illegal conditions in some 
places, it is possible to elect Party officials, for not every- 
where where the Party is compelled to exist underground, is 
there such a political regime ag existed in Russia under the 

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