Full text: Lenin on organization

(From the “Proletarii,” No. 46, July, 1909). 
_ . The last two years, roughly from the 
coup d'etat of June 3, 1907, to the present moment, 
represent a period of sharp and abrupt changes of 
severe crisis in the development of the Russian 
Social Democratic Labor Party. The National Con- 
ference of the Russian Social Democratic Labor 
Party held in December, 1908, reviewed the present 
political situation, the condition and prospects of 
the revolutionary movement and the tasks of the 
Party of the working class in the present period. 
The resolutions passed by the Conference will be 
a permanent possession for the Party. The Menshe 
vik opportunists insisted on criticising them at all 
costs, but only thereby painfully revealed the impo- 
tence of their “criticism” and their inability to 
advance an intelligent, integral and systematic solu- 
tion of the problems dealt with in the resolutions. 
But that was not all. The Conference played an 
important part in the life of our Party by pointing 
to the existence of new intellectual groupings in 
both fractions—the Mensheviks and the Bolshe- 
vikg.2% J 

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