revolutionary movement of the world, such as nc
other country possessed.
Moreover, Bolsheviks, having grown up on this
granite theoretical basis, passed through fifteen
years of practical history (1903-1917), which for
richness of experience has no equal in the world.
For no country during these fifteen years has under-
gone nearly as much in the way of revolutionary
experience, or has witnessed such rapid and varied
changes in the forms of the movement—legal and
illegal, peaceful and violent, underground and
above-ground, closed circles and mass movements,
parliamentary and terroristic. In no country in the
world has there been concentrated in so brief a
period such a wealth of forms, shades and methods
of struggle on the part of all classes of modern
society, a struggle, which, owing to the backward-
ness of the country and the heavy yoke of Czarism,
developed with peculiar rapidity, and which mas-
tered with particular eagerness and success the
“last word” in the political experience of America
and Europe, . ., .