Full text: Lenin on organization

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Lenin on the Formation of the Bolshevik Party. 
No one now questions the truth that the Russian 
proletariat in alliance with the bPeasantry was able 
to emerge victorious from the struggle with the 
bourgeoisie and the landlords, to hold out against 
intervention and blockade, against unparalleled 
economic ruin, famine and cold, and to set to work 
to restore the economic life of Russia only because 
it was led by an excellent, monolithic, Bolshevik 
Party, closely welded with the masses. The great 
founder of this party was V. I. Lenin, Consequently 
every section of the Communist International must 
learn how this party was formed and what organiza- 
tional principles were introduced by V. I. Lenin in 
its formation. Towards this end the Organisation 
Department of the Executive Committee of the 
Communist International is striving to bring to the 
knowledge of all the sections of the Communist In- 
ternational V. I. Lenin’s fundamental ideas on the 
question of organization. 
Of course the Russian Communist Party did not 
become what we see it now all in one day. It de- 
veloped in the struggle and in this book we will 
endeavor, by means of extracts from the articles 
and other works of Lenin, to make our comrades 
acquainted with this struggle.

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