Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

(MirLion LBs.) 
1913. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
Russia Ts wre ye cr a ess 1-59 — —_ — 
Sweden aon a vos ro es . 1-22 1-66 1-55 1-00 
Norway de vas we vt vse “ie 1-53 1-26 1-26 1-16 
Denmark vee se re vee Son ve 1-96 1-66 1-89 1-62 
Germany So son wid he Ls er 20:47 10-81 21-72 20-29 
Netherlands ... e's ore ves ld r 1-50 1-30 2-09 1-48 
Belgium wes wre ans - 5 or 1-44 44 42 32 
France... tue os 25 ow ve 2 1-42 71 -55 40 
U.S.A. ver Se re eee . ve -07 ih +09 +08 
Others He ah vax vu +2 : 9-64 15-65 156-98 12-59 
Total 49-91 34-92 45-56 38-94 
The figures bring out the following points :— 
(1) The total exports in 1925 show a serious decline on 1923 
and are well below the pre-war volume. 
(2) Our markets are still spread over a wide area, as indicated 
by the high percentage of our exports to “ other countries.” 
(3) Europe is relatively worse than pre-war, but the German 
market was less affected by the depression in 1925 than 
most of the other markets. 
(4) An interesting feature is the progressive improvement in 
exports to Italy. See pages 31 and 53. 
(MirrioN Sg. YARDS.) 
*1913. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
Norway, Sweden and Denmark aes os 1-48 1-66 3-24 2-58 2-26 
Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France 26-50 29-81 13.74 14-58 13-64 
Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece ... oy 4-12 4-63 4-77 5-47 5-07 
Turkey and Egypt ... vos “vs wh 3:36 3-78 4-57 4-37 4-35 
China and Japan ve ava ave -.. 18-98 21-36 40-27 52-57 29-04 
Mexico and South America ... avs ... 19-38 21-80 16-89 13-36 14-05 
U.S.A... a vas Ted ao eh 2-92 3:33 9-85 10-29 9-65 
Colonies de lo av . oe BE A1-T3 38-03 42:02 34-91 
Other Countries wre bee 10 -1v5> 17-18 19-51 19-35 
Total ... ans «. 141-18 158-83 148-56 164-75 132-29 
All Wool ... vee en «»» B2-88 59-50 71-91 71-15 59-73 
Mixed ve is vo oo 88:30 99-33 76-65 93-59 72.56 
Weighing 12 ozs. and over to the sq. yd. ... 60-4 (linear yds.) 37-7 42-2 28-15 
oo less than 12 ozs. 7 we 45-4 110-9 122-5 104-14 
*Prioy to 1920 the Board of Trade Returns show exporls in linear yards instead of square yards. Some doubls have 
been expressed as to the correct factor to employ to conve t pre-war Linear yards into square vards to facilitate comparison. 
a fora column is calculated on a factor of 3/2, which is the highest so far suggested, and the first column on a 
actor o, “

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