Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

val igs tae SeEirh gk =| = oe 
8 28 1 28 BERL) ve 2B Ba esd das bivias, 
(’000 Lbs.) 
Country. | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | April. | May | June. July. ng, Sept. Oct. Nov. | Dec. Total. 
U.K. ie 37+ 515 998 441 324 502 i 2 594 276 Bay 5,651 
Belgium  .. 8 43 36 a 20 : 71 47 8 446 
France vs 24 13 67 8 0 41 ! 22 30 14 388 
Holland is — ms — 2 — - 7 — — 9 
Germany .. 100 126% = 120 45 100 13 101 50 157 973 
US.A. os ie 60 28 - ot 28 25 798 432 a3 980 
Japan ve — = — = 3 18 
Canada . + 2 = = 85 
India = 2 
Italy we 1 
Total we 574 847 1,289 533 690 605 237 169 874 34 1,040 8,554 . 
TK. .. 17.286 10,613 5,954 5.658 4.129 1.693 WON 4,924 10.981 15,446 82,841 
India i - — — _— — -- 1 — - 5 
Belgium .. 1,173 3,922 982 497 731 893 “4 679 2,119 4,589 17,361 
France .. 4,928 3,595 | 1,013 394 440 412 23 1,310 3,423 4,116 21,185 
Germany .. 4,821 ~~ 2,324 2,274 | 3,449 | 1,629 199 468 854 3,860 6,141 26,107 
Holland .. 4,999 7178 993 496 87 67 207 346 270 740 8,993 
[taly vi | 761 564 259 149 494 29 853 966 1,377 5.474 
Russia = = — -_ - = — = —_— 2 
Spain ss so = — 43 — — = 43 
Sweden Si 666 - = 11 - 27 118 826 
Japan ‘ie 235 ex 29 264 
USA. Lo 1.492 517 ot) 106 607 2.941 
Total ... 36,126 | 22,313 11,554 | 11,013 | 7,563 ' 3,292 | 1,984 | 2,561 0“ 5748 | 8,971 | 21,7 53 | 33,165 | 166,041

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