Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

on Stockings and Hose (Million doz. pairs) 2-364 3-646 3-988 4-184 
58 8 P 
79 Underwear (Million doz.) ... an oo — +332 +302 +274 
Fancy Hosiery (Million doz. = ove ee «977 +366 +403 
08 y 
ble From June, 1924, to the beginning of August, 1925, there was a 
he steady rise in the volume of unemployment in the wool textile industry. 
ost ~~ The highest point was reached at the end of July, when 21-3 per cent 
he of the insured persons in the industry were totally unemployed. During 
ise the last five months of the year recovery was rapid, and the year closed 
et, with only 9 per cent. totally unemployed. 
gs The following table summarises the course of events in the principal 
ree oo 
ng toy -Hudders- 5 Dews- Batley _ *Scot- {West oil 
da Beginning of Bradford  ge1q Halifax bury atley | Morley land England | (Hosiery) 
th January oe ov 5,038 1,8q0 831 1,322 1,468 | 592 658 . 156 648 
February ie ihe 5,272 2,541 903 1,342 1,375 581 894 230 1,267 
March ... ws - 5,593 2,250 854 1,137 1,320 498 813 176 1,102 
Apr]... AT nd 5,919 2,007 869 | 1,290 1,130 536 1,665 153 875 
all Mays =, 5, 7,651 2,055 1,675 1,606 1,142 714 1,756 161 834 
Tune =... er «= 0.467 3,996 1,982 1,929 1,001 640 2,239 388 1,071 
ve July 8,970 4,399 | 2,166 1,607 1,353 942 2,713 351 1,082 
to August ... ee ee 9,357 2,354 1,216 921 973 1,173 | 2,410 | 565 1,210 
September a oe 5,759 3,208 1,227 1,151 1,381 1,033 | 1,762 465 1,152 
October... or a 5,172 2,256 652 985 1,138 810 1,014 345 795 
November oT ee 3,756 1,083 345 1,134 I,317 658 813 2 470 
n, December oe we 3,322 1,065 307 1,484 1,687 1,103 9s 3 Ii - %, 
ng Approximate Number 
ial of insured operatives 
employed in each 
nd area (in thousands) 
st * Includes Galashiels, Hawick, Alloa, Selkirk and Dumfries. 
T Includes Stroud, Wellingten, Darsley and Witney. 
The essential feature of the 1925 depression was the loss incurred at the 
raw wool end of the industry. This checked the supplies of wool put 
25. into the machines and occasioned more unemployment in the preparatory 
ds. processes than in the manufacturing and merchanting sections. The 
- other main feature of the year was the recording of higher percentages of 
a unemployment in the heavy woollen areas than those recorded in the 
a worsted areas. 
irs. Unemployment was exceptionally heavy in Scotland during the period 
137 April-October, largely owing to the extremely high percentages recorded 
ds. at Alloa. The West of England got through the year without serious 
119 distress and the Leicester hosiery trade had remarkably good figures 
163 throughout. 

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