Contents: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

loy- FRANCE—Contd. 
lay } } 
igh tables, in conjunction with the details given in the French section, the 
the following points may, however, be noted :-— 
‘1 A much larger proportion of wool is again being bought 
direct from Australia instead of through the London market 
Consumption of S. American wool has declined a great 
deal, and exports of domestic wool and scoured products 
are also much less. 
2) Exports of tops are well below pre-war and 1925 shows a 
al decline on 1924. As in other cases the item ‘ Other 
> ‘ countries *’ has expanded enormously in post-war years. 
1 (3) Trade in yarn has not fluctuated to any great extent in 
: total quantity. Single yarns, however, have lost a good 
deal of ground in favour of other yarns, and Germany has 
0 become a much more important market, while the English 
market has completely lost its predominance. 
4) The trade in manufactures shows considerable expansion 
since the War, reaching the peak in 1924. A setback took 
place in 1925, especially in cloths and mixed stuffs, although 
pure stuffs maintained a good part of the improvement 
on pre-war. The loss of the German market was severely 
felt in pure stuffs in 1925. The total exports of cloths and 
stuffs from France to U.K. in 1925 amounted to 80:9 
thousand metric quintals as compared with 99-4 in 1913, 
Generally speaking, French export trade did not escape the severe 
world depression which came over the Textile Trade in 1925. 
0-6 (MirrioN KirLogs.: 
a 1913. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
‘2 Meno Waglin. ive i ewes ities L004 94-4 95-7 86-2 
Crossbred Wool ase we as we B88 38-3 51-5 48-3 
Total 0 199-2 132-7 147-2 134-5 
Merino Tops ... au a al ves 3-92 2-55 3:33 3:66 
Crossbred Tops i i 13-75 3.25 3-89 2-77 
5 fie 5 
0 Total ... .. 17:67 5 nu 7-22 6-43 
Worsted Yarn or a Se vee 14-82 6-27 16-63 19-29 
Woollen Yarn r =e or He 1-38 +55 1-43 -19 
Retail Yarn ... xa 7 3 -33 - -07 -04 
= Loa 16-53 6-82 18-13 19-52 
to - 
ve Tissues I 1.15 
2. RF 1-46 4-17 

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