Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Imports 1913=100. 
Country. ; hm » 
1913 1923. | 1924. 1925. 1913. 1923. | 1924, 1925. 
er A RE tnt | | cin 
Russia wi .e 714 +02 +79 7-21 100 +28 11-06 100-98 
Belgium .. a 3:09] 2:12 3-27 1-87 100 68:60" 105-83 60-51 
France or o 24-49 11-59 12-43 5.51 100 | 47-33 50-75 34-74 
Turkey oe oe 9-43 +29 +45 +34 100 3:07 4-77 3-60 
Uruguay .. 5 9 66 3.28 14-32 4-13 100 33:96" 148-24 42-75 
Argentine .. 55 4d 49-34 54 07 38-70" 100 88-96 97-49 69-78 
South America .. 29-57 21-32 33:06 37.73l 100 72-10 111-80 127-59 
(West Coast) 
Brit. South Africa.. 133-22 112-44] 127-06 140.20’ 100 84:40! 95.37 105-23 
Brit. East Indies .. 54:95 50-64] 56-13 59-41 100 92-15 102-14 108-11 
Australia .. «+ 265-08 276-30] 228-83 225-70 100 104-23 86-32 85-14 
New Zealand .. 181-18 181-10 178-63 172-56 100 99-96 98-59 95-24 
Falklands .. .e 6-15 3-84 3-33 3-161 100 62:43 54-14 51-37 
Others is 2 21-16 26-89 48-00 29-51 100 127-07 226-84 13-94. 
Total .. .. 800-58 739-17 760-35. 729-03 100 92-32 94-97 + 91-06 
Re-exports. 1913=100. 
Country. -o- —i - —_ -—— —— Is ——— 
1913. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1913. 1923. 1924. 1926 
Russia . 2 +38 — 1-05 1-35 100 — 513-15 355.26 
Germany .. - 93:20, 101-61| 110-98 94 85 100 109-02 ' 119-07 101-77 
Netherlands . 5-98 6-93] 10-32 6-65 100 115-88 172-58 111-20 
Belgium .. ve 70-50! 73:16] 60-52 47.99 100 103-77 85-84 68-07 
France ve ve 86-07 134-45| 107-77 121-39 100 156-21 125.2% 141-03 
Italy 0 oe -93 7-86 4-01 2-59 100 845-16 431-18 278-47 
U.S.A. ve 44-54 69-14 45-38 52-28 100 155-23 101-88 117-37 
Others ie eo 4-88 19-79 17-83 12-28 100 405-53 365-36 251-63 
Total .. .. 306-48: 412-94 358-76 339.37 100 134-73 117-66 110-73

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