Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

25, ) 
—_— Quantities in Min. sq. yds. 1913=100. 9% of Total Exports. 
+62 Country. ————f—— fp |e ——— TE ee ee 
33 1913. | 1923. | 1924. | 1925. 11913. 1923. 5 1925. 1913. Fr | 1924, | 1925. 
“75 mrt es foe fo es een LC 
L- 99 Sweden  .. +50] +40 -28 +24 100 80 56 48 - 64 - 64 +491 +57 
3-77 Norway - ..00 2008 -1% +09 -08 100 90 45 40 +25 -29 +16 “17 
3-58 Denmark ... “17-68 +54 +44. 100 400 ans 259 : +21 1-08 +95) +93 
90 Germany ..| 2.21 .02 17 -111 100 1 8 5° 2-83 -03 +30 -23 
“17 Netherlands | 47-11 13 +09] 100 23 2) 19 + 60 i 2s £19 
15 Belgium ..| 1-47 -13| -08 +04] 100 9 5 3] 1-88 .21] -14! .09 
-65 France ... 1-77 .57 | -22 «131100 1 328 19) 8 2-900 9] agli ay 
+86 Portugal ... +00 09 | 11, -14/100° 100) 122 156] '-11 14 -19 30 
90 Spain Boal | 121 100 | 12110 est 43 208 op os BE a 
+39 Italy »- 1-86.78 +41 | +451 100 42! Vi 24 2-38 1-24 +72 -95 
«56 Greece oo +25) 1-42 ' 1.35 | 1-041 100 + 5681 540! 416 -32 2-26 2:38 2-20 
+29 Turkey .. 1-901 1-18 84 | 601 100 | 62 44 32] 92.43 1.87 i-48 1-27 
33 China, .. 6-19" 5-12 6-18 ' 3-93| 100 §3 1001 63 7-92 8-13 10-87 8-31 
-88 Japan se 4:06' 7-70 8-05 4-69] 100 190 198] 116 5-191 12-23 14-17 9.92 
+31 U.S.A. .. 11:52 7.56 6-90 6-52 100 66 60 57) 14-74 12:01 12-14 13.78 
+05 Mexico vi 229 -15 09 +11] 100 52 31 38, +37 +24 -16 -23 
-79 Peru fi STE TOA a -23/°100 = 86 130i 76 471 51  -84  -59 
+26 Chile we 1:94 1.22 64 52] 100 63 33 27 2:48, 1-94 1-13 1-10 
.09 Brazil .. 90. -62, -67 gi; 100 69 74) 120, 1-15 99 1-18 2-45 
20 Uruguay .. 85 47 +35 -30/100 55 41 35 1.081 75 62 .g3 
. 38 Argentine .. 5-591 4-88 3-19  3.35| 100 87 57 60] 7-15 7-75 5-61 7-08 
+62 Egypt La +62j 1-20 + -90 +66) 100 194 15) 106° “79 1-97 1-338 1-40 
75 Br. 8. Africa 2-121 77 ' -63 76} 100 3 30] 36 2m 1-22 1-11 1-61 
44 Br. E. Indies 6-83) 1-60 175! 1.74] 100 23 26] 25, $74 2:54 3.08 3-68 
63 Australia .. 7-78] 4-57 ' 2-82 {1 2.35| 100 591 36| 30! 9-96 7.261 4-96 4.97 
_ New Zealand 1-66] 1-38 1+ -88 1 ro 100 83 53 64 2-12 2-19 1-55 2-24 
Canada .. 11-53]15-35 .15- i 12.18] 100 133 131] 106 14-7¢ 24-38 26.55 25.77 
} Others 0 4.78] 4-23 3:86 4-1%. 100 88; 811 87 6:11 6:72 6-79 8-84 
39 ri ott or ie ME Tet nlm | et frie cts Va tent mg 
85 Total .. 78-11] 62-94/56-83 47-30] 100 81 73] 61 100 100 100 100 
30 rife fe ee — 
Colonies .., 380-54] 23-67(21-17 18-10 100 | 78] 69 59 B20 37-60 "va 38-97 
Europe .. 9.18" 4-61] 3-51 2-90] 100 50) 38 32 14-18! 7-32 6.18] 6-13 
we S. America.. 9-65 7-511 5-33 5-61] 100 78] 55] 58 12-720 11-93 9.38! 1.19 
ds _ 
N.B. Previous to 1920, the official unit of measure employed in the Board of Trade Return 
Was the linear yard. The official figures for 1913 have therefore been converted into square yard 
to facilitate comparison with later returns. The conversion is reasonably accurate in the totals 
but the figures for individual countries must not be taken too literally. 

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