Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

(’000 Metric Quintals.) 
1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
Raw Wool— 
England re 371-0/ 366-5 253:0° 114-4. 154-1 385-5 338-1 256-0! 272+ 8 
Belgium ou 169 15-7, 11:0 — — 63-6 53-81 68-7, 43-5 
Turkey .. oe 27-2 28-6! 26-5 4-8! 0 == pa = 
Australia ne ii 1,011-8 817-9 61-6) 148-6 1,305-4 1,312-3! 1,039-9° 1,156.5 
Uruguay .. 173-1] 263-6 136-6 52-9] 45-5 123-6 67-3. 103-4 107-6 
Argentine ba 909-5] 662-2 583-7 227-8 316-5 884.8 545-1 404-8 458-5 
Algeria .. ve 47-1 89:0 80-0 De 80-1 59-1 71:7 74-9) 85-2 
Br. 8. Africa .. - — — = = —-— 149-3 180-8" 259-6 
Others .. .. 333-2 415-7 309-3 89-3 94-1 449-0 443-5 — — 
Total .. 2,861-2 2,853:0 2,218-1 674-11 839-0,3,271-0 2,831-8 2,460-1 2,632-4 
Dyed Wool and 
Noils . . vy — =— -1 3 - — — me 
Combed or carded 19-2 16-0! 6-6 16-8 4. ° 28-1 32-1 29-4 13-0 
Combed or dyed 5 4 +3 2 2 — 1-6 LZ — 
Shoddy Pure— 
Belgium - 60-2| 725 27:2 =. | 488 51.8] 57-6 70-5 
Germany ao 61-1 56-4] 32.4 Se Hk tn Ee 
Others .. a 39-4 47-7 32.9 31-2 36-1 43-79 — — 
Total oe 106-7" 176-6" 92-4 13-0| 31-2 84-9 95-6) 125-7 124-0 
Other Waste ~~ .. 24 79 3% 4 gy Tamed el | fe be 
Cloths, Casimeres, ote. 
in Pure Wool— 
England = 31-9 30-4 18-4 80-91 212.7 14.3 7-8 z 6-9 
Belgium > 16 20 1 -— £0. i.e9, 3 
Germany £ 3-4 1-6 = - : 
Others oo eg 4-7 3-9 53-4 54:7 he 5 R 
Total ee 40-4 25-0 134-3. 267-4 17-7" -1*5  11.3 
Stuts__pyye Wool. 
Mousseline de laine 
printed ae +96 +82 +56 J 07 H 
Englang 1-0 2-0 | 2-8 64 7-03 
Germany oi 9 1-5 | 1-0 : - 
Others | 45 v1 51 2-2 26-8 6-1) 
Total 43 6-6 6:0 30-5 13:15 23-3 16:5 10-6] 9-¢ 

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