Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Summary of Textile Trade (Wool), 1912-25—Contd. 
(’000 Metric Quintals.) 
1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. ' 1922. 1923 1924. | 1925. 
Raw Wool— 
England i 364-7 363-2] ny 111-31 137-6 879-2) 338-7 253-6] 243-7 
Belgium ~~ .. 9-7 2 6-11 1 — 28-3 18:5, 16-0| 150 
Turkey .. 7 18-4  18-4| 19-9! 4.81 _ —_— — - 
Australia A 855-5 938-8 749-3 59-8 132-2] 1,220-3/1,199-4 3 1,088:7 
Uraguay  -.. 166-3 261-2 133-2] 52:91 44-3] 123-4! 50.0 102-6] 107-1 
Argentine wie 886-6 629-7 &57-8, 220-3] 299-5 866-9 529-0) 401-21 442-8 
British Africa . . — — — en — — 145-4" 180-2 254-6 
Algeria ..  .. 469 80-0 79-8 122.9! 0-1 57-1 68-0' 74-0 I 
Others .. re 275-4 377-9 272-4 79-2 83:6 411-8 254-5 256-2 204-2 
Total + 2623-6 2,687-7 2,067-6/ 651-1 777-4 3,087-1 2,610.5 2,231-4 2436:8 
Dyed Wool and 
Noils .. oe — — +1 th to  r - 
Combed or carded 2-9 2-5 1-4° 16-2 4¢ 7 5 &} I 746 
Combed or dyed .. -3 "2 2.2 -2 3 pe -1 wil - 
Shoddy Pure— 
Belgium A 57-51 68-1 25.8. - 33-11 41-0] 48:1] 46: 
Germany 61-0f 56-11 32.3. — — 0 — — 
Others .. or 30-3 33-4 24-0 ed 36-2 28-0' 24-8 — ia 
Total a 148-8 157-5 82-2 12.7 30-2 61-1 65-9 85-1 90-3 
Cloths, ete.— 
England ve 27-1 24-5 15-9 jo 212-2) 14-0 6-9 5-7 B= 
Belgium ry +8, 9 5 — —— 9 6 <6 
Germany oe 4-1 3-0 1-4 - - — —_ 
Others .. A 8 -8 9 52-8 1-3 * -— 
Total re 32-6 29-2 - 132-8 263-6! 15-3 iy 6-5 
Stuffs, ete. 
Mousseline de laine 
printed . . i Vi, - 
England viv = Z 62| 
Germany vie 
Others ve wiv a 067 
Total - ! 27.2 8-29 2.99 ly 0B or 

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