Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Summary of Textile Trade (Wool), 1912-25—Contd. 
325. ("000 Metric Quintals.) 
243-7 19.2, 1913. ' 1914. 1915. 1916. 1922. 1923. 1924. | 1925. 
88 1 
07-1 Raw Wool— 
42-5 England .. we 178-3 1141-1 | 149-9 3-2, 21-02 70-8 - 57-8 93-1 | 352-2 
54-6 Belgium .. .. 165-1 | 166-6 | 186-4 — — 115-1 het 95-0 | 72-9 
81-0 Germany .. 98-6 103-7 | 84-4 — — 46-3 23-1! 15-8 | 18-2 
04-2 Italy .. .. 30:9 25:7! 23.3 25-21 40-0 37-4 56:3 47-7! 43-5 
Switzerland 30-9 22-8 , 14-2 32:6 1 87-6 62-0 ' 87-6 97-2 63-3 
36-8 0.8.4. .. wa 35-30 NE gE. 5 2-2 2:41 & 4 24-8 2:2 33-9 
or Others .. -- 30-6 EI: 25-8 °° 8-9 5-3 qu 2 50-5 - 
Total .. 569-9 515-7 : 453-2 72-1 156-2 396-2 ' 415-7 387-3 536-8 
7-6 —_ = re —_— er — 
Dyed Wool and 
. Noils vo ve i) -2 «2 = Conn ll = 
Combed or Carded— 
ely .. .. #71356) 153 — 240 17-7! 13:3 
16-9 Belgium .. .. 174-6 ¢ 125-5 87-3 1201 ' 103-5 ' 95-0 6-9 
- Germany ws 753 43-9 54-4 m2 113.1 32-0 3. 4 
i Others 5h vi 26-6 19-3 22-4 a vr db 90-4 — 
10:3 Total .. 321-3 225-4 183-7 ’ 2.90! 233-4 207-0 205-1 16..,* 
Dyed, combed or 
6° carded .. so 3:8 1-8 z 2 
Shoddy Pure— 
Belgium .. .. 1605 | 1 
Others .. 83.000 
Total . 24:-2 2516 . oo = “ } 
Other Waste 4-21 3.5 | . 
* Does not include ‘carded’ which totalled 1-0. 

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