Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Calendar Sheep, Calendar 
Year. Jan. 1st. Production. Year. 
Millions Million lbs 
1910 52-4 (April 1st) 321-4 1910 
1911 53-6 318-5 1911 
1912 52-4 304-0 1912 
191 51-5 296-2 1913 
1914 49-7 290-2 1914 
1915 50-0 285-7 1915 
1916 48-6 288-5 1916 
1917 48-5 281-9 1917 
1918 48-6 298-9 1918 
1919 48-9 298-3 1919 
1920 39-0 277-9 1920 
1921 37 4 274-0 1921 
1922 36-3 264-0 1922 
1023 37-2 266-1 1923 
1924 38-4 286.2 1924 
1925 39-4 301-1 1925 
1926 40-7 —— 1926 
Year } 
ended Total Net Con- 
June 30 Imports. Re-exports. Imports. Production. Exports. Retained. sumption. 
1910 263-9 4-0 259-9 328.1 — 328-1 588-0 
1911 | 137-6 8:2 129-4 321-4 — 321-4 450-8 
1912 1 193-4 1-7 191-7 318-5 — 318-5 510-2 
1913 195-3 4-4 190-9 304-0 -8 303-2 494-1 
1914 247-6 1-2 246-4 206-2 3 295-9 542-3 
1915 308-1 7-3 300-8 990-2 8-2 282-0 582.8 
1916 534-8 1-8 533-0 285-7 4-4 281.3 814-3 
1017 | 372-4 1-8 370-5 288-5 2.1 286-4 656-9 
1918 379-1 1-0 378-1 281-9 1-0 280-9 659-0 
1919 422-4 6 421-8 298-9 +5 298-4 720-2 
1920 427-6 13-3 414-3 208-3 7:0 291-3 705-6 
1921 318-2 5:6 312-6 277-9 5:6 272-3 584-9 
1929 255-1 3-0 252-1 274-0 ‘9 273-1 525.2 
1923 525-5 7.6 517-9 264-0 5 263-5 781-4 
1924 239.1 33.2 205-9 266-1 5 265-6 471-5 
1925 984.7 16-0 268-7 286-2 5 985-9 54-8 

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