Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Average Prices clean scoured delivered United Kingdom, 
(Good top-making wools.) 
14 5s. | 56s. 50s. | 48's. 46's. 44s. | 40%. 36s. 
d. d. d. d. d. d. d. 
January os 56 48% 38% 341 32% 31% 30} 
February ve 50 421 331 30% | 28) 27% 261 a 
March .. ve 41 37 313 28; + 271 26 25} 
November ve - 32 243 22% 213 204 204 
December re 3t 30} 233 20% 191 183 12 
1918/19. 1919/20. 1920/21. 1921/22. 1922/23. 1923/24.) 1924/25. 
Greasy .. = va 5 575 570 194 463 472 500 460 
Scoured .. a ve 53 10 L 4 b 1 3 
Total or 5 628 580 199 467 477 504 463 
Fleece .. vs 581 533 | 189 456 460 482 448 
Lambs . Fl 47 4 10 Ie 17 22 15 
Total vo ee 2028 580 | 199 467 477 504 463 
Merino .. vs = 5 26 12 7 
X bred .. wa ao ah 602 561 Lid 40d 4601 492 456 
Total . 628 580 199* | 467 47 504 463 
* This figure represents total sales and does not indicate the total production. 
From information collected during the period of control an average New Zealand wool clip is made 
ap as follows :— 
Merino .- oe - os «3% 
4 bred 50’s, 56's, 58’s  .. pe re LO00 
X fine 46’s, 48’s, 50’s Fi Fo! .s 2000 
X medium 40’s to 46's .. ve ve 6200 
Low 36's to 40's .. re Le . 89% 
1125. 2 

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