Full text: Tables relating to national expenditure

Original Estimate for— 
1914-15. 1925-26. 
Grants for Local Services, &c., 
in Great Britain— 
Payments to Local Taxation 
Accounts .... orm ... 8,089,000 183,329,000 65 
Education .... - ... 16,614,000 42,394,000 155 
Agriculture (including Land 
Settlement Grants and Loans 
and the Development Fund)... 371,000 3,347,000 802 
Health Services ver 522,000 3,422,000 556 
Housing wo os 9,040,000 = 
Reformatories and Mental De- 
ficiency .... oy _ 539,000 1,023,000 4) 
Police (voted grants additional 
to payments through Local 
Taxation Accounts)... ve 100,000 5,011,000 
Unemployment Grants and 
Loans eee ” on : 3,796,000 
Miscellaneous he 127,000 390,000 207 
All Irish Services ” ~.. 12,738,000 8,557,000 
Total .... ~ 89,100,000 90,309,000 "21 

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