Full text: To prevent the sale of cotton and grain in future markets

To Prevent the Sale of Cotton and Grain in Future 
Washington, D. C. 
The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10 o’clock a. m., in room 
326 Senate Office Building, Senator George W. Norris, presiding. 
Present: Senators Norris (chairman), Harreld, Deneen, Smith, 
Ransdell, Kendrick, Heflin, Caraway, and Ferris. 
The CHAIRMAN. The committee was called to-day to consider 
S. 454, by Senator Caraway, to prevent the sale of cotton and grain 
in future markets, which is here printed in full, as follows: 
[S. 454, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session] 
A BILL To prevent the sale of cotton and grain in future markets 
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, That certain words 
used in this act and in proceedings pursuant hereto shall, unless the 
same be inconsistent with the context, be construed as follows: 
The word “message” shall mean any communication by telegraph, 
telephone, wireless telegraph, cable, or other means of communica- 
tion from one State or Territory of the United States or the District 
of Columbia to any other State or Territory of the United States or 
the District of Columbia or to any foreign country. 
The word “grain” shall include wheat, corn, oats, and barley. 
The word “person” shall mean any person, partnership, joint- 
stock company, society, association, or corporation, their managers 
and officers, and when used with reference to the commission of acts 
which are herein required or forbidden shall include persons who are 
participants in the required or forbidden acts, and the agents, offi- 
cers, and members of the board of directors and trustees, or other 
similar controlling or directing bodies of partnerships, joint-stock 
companies, societies, associations, and corporations. 
And words importing the plural number, wherever used, may be 
applied to or mean only a single person or thing, and words importing 
fhe singular number may be applied to or mean several persons or 

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