Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Christ be with me, 
Christ beneath me, 
Christ within me, 
Christ behind me, 
Christ be o'er me, 
Christ before me. 
“Christ in the left and the right, 
Christ hither and thither, 
Christ in the sight, 
Of each eye that shall seek me, 
In each ear that shall hear, 
In each mouth that shall speak me— 
Christ not the less 
In each heart I address. 
I bind me today on the Triune—I call, 
With faith in the Trinity—Unity—God over all.” 
When under the protection of the favor from on 
high which came to_them as the result of their 
fervent singing of the hymn Patrick and his com- 
panions had been carried safe by the Lord through 
the ambush set for them at their entrance into the 
Court a'l present were very deeply impressed. The 
king had declared that no marks of respect must be 
given these strangers who had so often proved re- 
gardless of the customs and usages of the king's 
court. So struck were all however with Patrick’s 
escape from the destruction which they knew had 
been prepared for him and his impressive appear- 
ance before them, that at once when he came into 
the presence of the court two of the king’s greatest 
favorites rose out of respect for him. These two 

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