Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Abbess, Lady, 256 America, South, 383 
Abbey, Fort Augustus, 26 “American History, A Hidden Phase 
‘* Theatre, 84 of,” 414 
abecedarian, 407 amusement, insane antics, 353 
accent penultimate, 316 Anderson, Dr., 152 
Achilles, Irish, 53 Andersonville, 398 
Adam, 119 Andromache, Irish, 53 
Adamnan, St., 26, 65, 206; mother  angli, angeli, 31 
of, 284; Vision of, 74 Anglo-Normans, 300 
Aelred, 402 animals, cruelty prevention, 339 
afeared and afraid, 317 Annals of the Four Masters, 133 
Africa, 76; South, 51, 399 annalists, Irish, 16 
again, 323 Anne of Denmark, 97 
against, 324 Annegray, 35 
Agilbert of Wessex, 29 Anselm, 210 
agricultural schools, first, 219 anthropology, pioneer, 339 
Aicill, Book of, 237 Anticosti, 404 
Aidan, St., 21, 287 antiphonary, Irish, 139 
Aikenhead, Mother Mary, 364, 374, antiques, American, 47 
390 aorist translation, 320 ‘ 
“Ailing, History of Care for the,” Apostle of the Irish, 13 
350 Aquinas, Thomas, 210,403 
Aimirgin, 108 Arabs, 401 
Aix, 4 Aran Islands, 79, 105, 118 
Aix-la-Chapelle, 35 Aranmor, 82 
Alcuin, 199, 403 archeology, Irish, 168 
Aldhelm, 30 Ardagh, Chalice of, 154 
Allen, J. Romilly, 136 Areopagite, pseudo, 403 
Allison, Francis, 304 Aristotle, 178, 401 
alma mater studiorum, Italy, 402 Aristotelianism, 401 
Alsace, 37 Armagh, 196, 241; Book of, 139, 
Altenmunster, 41 157 
Alto, 41 army purveyor, 416 
“America Before Columbus, History art, Celtic, 136; Christian Celtic, 
of,” 43, 404 147; decorative, 136; Egyptian, 
“America, pre-Columbian, 33 136, 165; Greco-Roman, 137; 
America, pre-Scandinavian discovery Greek, 136; Irish, 122, 165; 
of, 46 primitive, 176; Roman, 136 
“America, The Pre-Columbian Dis- Art Handbooks, South Kensington, 
covery of,” 47 154, 163 

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