Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Society, Royal Dublin, 147 tales, Irish, 77 
oy Royal Historical, 290 Tara, 110; brooch of, 157, 158 
Soissons, 35 Tarentum, 35, 43 
soldiers, Irish American, 413 Taylor, George, 346 
Somerset, William, 30 # Miss, 415 
Sonata, Keltic, 99 teaching, clinical, 233 
“soothering tongue,” 119 teeth, Irish, 246 
Sorrow, House of, 228 Telegraph, The Postal, 330 
seul and sowl, 309 Temair, 109 
South Seas, 80 Tennant, William, 334 
speech organs, 298; defects of, 298 Tennyson, 78 
Spencer, Herbert, 190 Terence, 115 
Speranza, 162 Teresa, St., 68; letters of, 374 
Stanley, Dean, 387 “Teutons, The Continental,” 38 
Stanley, Mary, 387; conversion of, women of the, 273 
415 Thecla, St., 290 
state, nascent, 4 Theodosian Code, 185 
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 180 Theodosius the Younger, Emperor, 
stoc, 95 114,185 
Stokes, Dr., 234, 361 Thevet, 404 
Stokes, Miss, 28, 123, 125, 134, Thomas the Apostle, St., 45 
138, 151, 154, 162, 174, 403 Thompson, Sir Edward, 192 
Stowe Missal, 139 y the sculptor, 333 
Strathclyde, 179 iy William, 331 
Streonshalh, 267, 286 Thornton, Matthew, 346 
St. Cuthbert's Gospel, 134 thrapple, 322 
“St. Patrick in History,” 63 Thuringia, 40, 43 
“St. Patrick's Purgatory,” 76 timpan, 95 
sturgan, 95 Tnudgal, 74 
Suabia, 36 Todd, Dr., 134 
submarine, 331 tonsure, Irish, 138 
Sullivan, Dr. W. K., 188 Toowoomba, 378 
Sullivan, Sir Edward, 128, 131, 133, Tours, 4 
192, 270 Tracy, Patrick, 332 
Sullivan, John, 332 Tralee, 43 
“Sun, New York,” 329 “Trant, Journal of Clarissa,” 415 
superioress scrubbing, 368 trephining, 235 
Sutton, Sir Edward, 97 “Tribune, Chicago,” 329 
“sweating houses,” 235 i New York,” 329 
Switzerland, 20 trifles, witchery of, 253 
Sydney, 377 Trichinopoli work, 158 
Synge, 79, 82 trivium, 211 
Troy, 59 
. . Trumbhere, 26 
Tacitus, 273 tuberculosis, 230 
Taft, William H., 346 Tundale, Vision of, 74 
“Tain Bo Cualnge,” 60, 61 Tuotilo, 214 

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