Turner, Bishop, 200 Ware, 29
Turpin, Archbishop, 281 Warren, Dr. Joseph, 414
typhus fever, 416 Waterford, 274, 411
typology, 407 “Waverley,” 61
Wearmouth, 287
Ullard, 96 Welsh, Dr. Thomas, 414
Ulster, 402 “West, The Conversion of the,” 38
Ultan, St., 90 ‘The Monks of the,” 22
Union Station, 409 Wexford, 332
“ Western, 330 Whalen, Hon. Edward, 342
United States, 80 Whitby, 26, 267
University, Aberdeen, 210; Irish, White, Richard Grant, 306
197 Whitman, 405
“Unseen Friends,” 369 Wilde, Oscar, 162; Sir William,
Ursulines, 367 162; Speranza, 162
Usnach, Son of, 281 Wilfrid, St., 26
William, King, 406
Vail, Theodore, 330 Williamson, 335
Valentinian, 186; III, 114 Wilson, Woodrow, 346
Valhalla, Odin’s, 40 Winsor, Justin, 47
Valley, Shenandoah, 334 Wiseman, Cardinal, 373
Vasari, 124 woman, Brehon, 276; first statue of
Vedic India, 55 a, 396
vegetables, raw, 245 women, college for, 254; monastic,
“Venice, Stones of,” 132 222; ‘“‘ten day,” 351; workers, 349
Verdun, 35 women’s rights in Ireland, 277
Vere, Aubrey de, 193, 284 Wordsworth, 193
Vesalius, 201 works, good, 350
Victoria, Queen, 415 “World, The Catholic,” 338
Vienna, 214 writers, Irish Christian, 71
Vineland, 44 Writings, Sacred, 208
Virgil,! 72, 115, 199, 213 Wurzburg, 40; 214
Virgilius, 41, 403
vision, color, 142; literature of, 71 Yankee Doodle, 89
visiting, hospital, 381 Yeats, 82
Vita Columbae, 65 yes and yis, 301
vitamins, 244 yet and pit, 302
York, Archbishop of, 26
Waddell, James, 334
Walker, 303 Zachary, Pope, 42
“walking nuns,” 370 Zeuss, 104
Walsh and Welsh, 303 Zimmer, Professor Heinrich, 20, 33,
Walsh, Miss Alicia, 365; Patrick, 198,211, 216, 217
329 Zimmerman, Dr. E. H., 135
Warde, Mother, 383, 394 Zululand, Queen of, 410