Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

The Worlk's Hospital, Nagasaki. 
WELFARE WORK. The greatest attention has always 
been given to the welfare of the workers, and the “Workmen’s Pro- 
tection and Welfare” organization affords ample aid and assistance 
in cases of injury, sickness, retirement and death, as well as manr- 
riages and births in the families of the workers. 
Both Nagasaki and Kobe Works possess their own well equip- 
ped hospital, where employees as well as their families can receive 
advice and treatment. 
With the object of assisting employees as far as possible to 
combat against the high cost of living, Nagasaki, Kobe, Hikoshima 
and the Arms Works each have in operation a system of Provision 
Stores—named in the vernacular «Shaso”—which not only enable the 
workers to procure rice and groceries but other every-day necessaries 
of life at a cost much below market prices. 
As a means of encouraging thrift, a Savings Bank has for a

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