Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

(The Mitsubishi Iron & Steel Company, Limited.) 
From a national point of view, and with the ever increasing 
necessity of meeting the growing demand for shipbuilding and all 
other engineering materials, the Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisha has for 
mauy years paid special attention to the manufacture of iron and 
steel, and has given much study to this branch of business. Since 
the Company bought the iron mine at Kenjiho, Kokai-do, Chosen, 
in 1911, it has gradually absorbed the neighbouring mines. In 
1913, when Taiho-men colliery, Heian-nan-do, Chosen, and the 
limestone mines at Kenjiho came into the possession of the Com- 
General View of the Blast Furnace Plant.

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