Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

Interior View of the Casting Shed 
pany, a large scheme was projected for iron production at Kenjiho, 
and in May 1915, the Preparatory Iron Foundry Department was 
duly opened for the purpose of establishing the iron’ works. These 
preparations having been satisfactorily completed, the Mitsubishi 
Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (Capital : Yen 25,000,000), with the head 
office at No. 1, Yaesucho, Itchome, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo, was estab- 
lished in October 1917, and all the aforesaid business and plant 
were transferred to this new company. 
The first tapping of the Blast Furnace was performed in June 
1918, and the production has been going on smoothly ever since. 
The plant comprises the following : — 
Blast Furnace Department : 
Two stacks, T0 x 19 fect, each with four 92x20 feet Me’lure

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