Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

central combustion type hot blast stoves; fuel consumed own 
prepared; total annual capacity 100,000 gross tons of foundry 
and open hearth furnace pig iron. 
By-Product Coke Oven Department : 
Fifty Wilputte ovens, each 39’ 5” long, 15’ 5-1/2” high, 17- 
3/4” mean wide and 13 gross ton charge capacity ; total annual 
coking capacity 166,000 tons. 
By-products : 2,500 tons sulphuric acid, 2,300 tons sulphate of 
ammonia, 5,000 tons pitch, 1,000 tons heavy oil, 830 tons 
medium oil, 80 tons light oil and 580 tons naphthalene. 
Open Hearth Department : 
Contains three 50 gross ton open-hearth steel furnaces; fuel 
consumed, producer gas; annual capacity 100,000 gross tons 
Blooming Mill : 
900 m/m Blooming Mill. This mill is served by two soaking 
General View of the Steel Works.

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