Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

center of this metropolis, and has its branches in many important 
ports and cities of the Far East, Australia, Europe and America as 
follows : — 
Home : — 
Oversea : - 
Handa, Kobe, Kure, Moji, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Osaka, 
Otaru, Sasebo, Yokohama, ete. 
Berlin—No. 11, Kronenstrasse, Berlin, W. 8. Deutschland 
Dairen—No. 54, Yamagata-Dori, Dairen, Manchuria 
Hankow—British Concession, Hankow, China 
Harbin—No. 16, Uchastkovaya, Harbin 
Hongkong—No. 14, Pedder Street, Hongkong 
London— Cory Buildings, No. 117, Fenchurch St., Lon- 
don, E.. €:.3. 
Liyons—No. 6, Rue Lafont, Liyons, France 
New York—No. 1155-1162, Equitable Building, 120 
Broadway, New York City, U. S. A. 
Paris — Paris Building, 15 Boulevard des Italiens, Paris, 
Seattle—No. 1274-1284, Dexter Horton Building, Sea- 
ttle, Washington, U. S. A. 
Shanghai—DNo. 9, Canton Road, Shanghai, China 
Singapore— Union Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore 
Soerabaya—Escompto Building, Kembang Djepoon, 
Soerabaya, Java 
Sydney—Third Floor, London Assurance Building, 
16-20 Bridge St., Sydney, Australia 
Tientsin—No. 42, Rue de 14 Juillet, French Concession, 
Tientsin, China 
Tsingtao—No. 44, Kuan Hsien Road, Tsingtao, China 

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