Full text: Outlines of the raw silk industry in Japan 1926

Yokohama Raw Silk Exchange 
Office: Honcho, Yokohama. Managing Director, Mr. T. Isaka. 
At the Yokohama Raw Silk Exchange transactions in raw silk are carried 
on extensively, the time limit for transactions in futures is five months. At 
the exchange two sessions (two calls for each session) take place every day 
except on Sundays and holidays. The standard used at present, is “Yajima 
grade”, size 13-15 denier. 
Reelers are using this organization to sell their product for forward deliv- 
ery at the time when they buy cocoons. Thus they can be sure of a reasonable 
profit and be free from anxiety due to fluctuations of the market during the 
period between buying cocoons and selling finished products. 
The Imperial Sericultural Experiment Station 
Office: Nakano, Tokio. Director Dr. E. Hiratsuka. 
The Imperial Sericultural Experiment Station was established by the 
Japanese Government in 1912 and is under the direct control of the minister 
of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. This institute has its central 
office at Nakano, in the suburbs of Tokio, and its six branch offices in impor- 
tant sericultural centres all over the country. The aim is to do all kinds of 
research work in the raw silk industry; to raise and distribute improved 
silkworm-eggs for breeding purposes; to make chemical analysis of mulberry 
leaves, raw silk, reeling-water, etc., and when asked, to deliver lectures and 
to instruct people by extension work. Improved silkworm-eggs raised here 
are distributed to the prefectural institutes for generating breeding silkworm- 
eggs, thus improving the quality of cocoons systematically. 
The Imperial Silk Experiment Station 
Office: Kita-naka-dori, Yokohama. Director Mr. G. Haga. 
This governmental institute was established in 1918 and is located in 
Yokohama. Its aim is to make experiments upon the chemical and physical 
properties of raw silk, to investigate relations between raw silk and woven 
goods, to do research work in boiling, dyeing and finishing of silks and to give 
suggestions for improving the quality of raw silk, from the conclusions deduced 
from the above mentioned experiments. 

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