Full text: The basic industries of Great Britain

Mr. A. H. Powell, Herald Chambers, Birmingham. 
Lt.-Colonel Euan C. Rabagliati, R.A.F. 
Mr S. W. Rawson, M.A., Fellow of All Souls College, 
Oxford, Secretary of Bolckow Vaughan & Co. 
Mr. Robert Redpath, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Leamington. 
Mr. Alfred Smith, Palmer’s Shipbuilding & Iron Co., 
Mr. Sydney A. Smith, Ass.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.E,, 
I desire, in addition, to acknowledge assistance from the 
Admiralty, the Board of Trade, the Ministry of Labour, 
and the Department of Mines; also from the National 
Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Engineering, 
the fron and Coal Trades Review, Syren and Shipping, and 
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. 
I have also to thank Mr. John Strahan Smith, formerly 
Editor of The Times Engineering Supplement, for his 
valuable help in analysing the official statistics relating to 
our Basic Industries; and to acknowledge the permission 
of The Times newspaper for the reproduction in part of 
some of the articles I have contributed to that newspaper on 
industrial questions. 
I am also indebted to the Right Hon. Sir Henry Norman, 
Bt., for his kindness in reading the proof-sheets. 
As nearly every Company is now of Limited Liability, 
the usual statutory suffix has been omitted. In a number 
of cases, too, the name of a Company, when repeatedly 
mentioned, has been shortened to the conventional designa- 
tion by which it is known in its own commercial circle.

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