Full text: The economic theory ot the leisure class

modities is lessened by the purchasers is in the present in- 
stance nothing more nor less than a certain correction of the 
price, produced by the larger quantity of production com- 
modities thrown on the market. Such is the true psychology 
of the agents of commodities production. The value of the 
means of production is in truth fixed more or less independently, 
and the alteration in the value of the means of production occurs 
sooner than the alteration in the value of the articles of con- 
sumption. In consequence, the analysis must begin with the 
alterations in the value in the sphere of the production of 
means of production. 
We must again point out a very grave logical fallacy. We 
saw above that the value of the means of production, accord- 
ing to Bohm-Bawerk, is determined by the value of the prod- 
uct: “In the last instance” the marginal utility of the mar- 
ginal product is the decisive factor. But what determines the 
amount of this marginal utility? We already know that the 
amount of the marginal utility is in inverse ratio to the quantity 
of the product to be evaluated; the more the units that are 
available of a certain class of commodities, the lower will go 
the estimate for each unit in the “supply”, and vice versa. 
The question naturally arises, how is this quantity in turn 
determined? Our professor tells us: “The total quantity of 
commodities available in a market region (is) in turn de- 
termined . . . in particularly great measure by the height of 
the production costs. For, the higher the production costs 
of a commodity go, the lower remains, relatively, the number 
of specimens furnished by production to the demand”. (Ibid, 
p. 521.) This “explanation” may be paraphrased thus: the 
value of the productive commodities (production costs) is 
determined by the value of the product; the value of the 
product depends on its quantity; the quantity of the product 
is determined by the costs of production, or, in other words, 
the costs of production are determined by the costs of produc- 
tion. This is another one of the spurious explanations in 
which the theory of the Austrians is so prolific. Bohm- 
Bawerk is thus trapped in the same vicious circle in which he 
rightly observes that the old theory of production is still in- 
volved. .'**

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